Mengatasi Janin di Perut yang Aktif pada Malam Hari

Artikel ini mungkin menjawab sedikit topik bagaimana menidurkan atau menenangkan janin di perut ibunya saat mereka aktif terutama saat malam hari.

1. Janin menjadi tenang saat disentuh tangan ayahnya atau didekati ayahnya sambil diajak bicara. Diterangkan bahwa janin lebih bisa mendengar suara dengan frekuensi rendah daripada yg tinggi. Suara laki-laki lebih jelas bagi si janin. Mungkin menerangkan mengapa janin lebih responsif kpd suara dari sang ayah drpd suara sang ibu yg biasanya frekuensinya lebih tinggi. Ini jg bisa memberi saran peran sang calon bapak agar lebih sering mengajak berbicara janin di dalam perut. membacakannya al quran, dzikir dan berbagai cerita yg bermanfaat.

2. Aktifitas atau gerakan sang ibu akan mempengaruhi emosi sang Janin. Janin akan diam saat ibunya beraktifitas di siang hari, janin akan aktif saat ibunya pasif di malam hari. Berjalan-jalan sedikit sebelum tidur mungkin akan efektif ntk menenangkan janin yg mulai aktif di malam hari, spt yg ibunya lakukan di siang hari. Ada yg berpendapat ini menjelaskan kenapa bayi yg sudah lahir saat rewel akan menjadi tenang dan tidur bila diayun-ayunkan. Bayi mengingat apa yg ia alami saat masih di dalam perut ibunya.

Berikut sedikit rangkumannya. Saat ini masih sedikit pengetahuan kita tentang kondisi dan dunia yg dirasakan maupun dialami janin di dalam perut ibunya. Masih banyak spekulasi yg beredar. Menjaga dan merawatnya secara alami adalah lebih baik.

Most researchers studying fetal development say Mother Nature and the stimuli your baby naturally receives in the womb from your everyday conversations and activities are good enough to prepare your baby for the outside world. Study of how the human brain develops still is in its infancy, but there’s no convincing scientific evidence that deliberate fetal acoustic stimulation, as it’s called, influences intelligence, creativity or later development.

“Nature does a pretty good job of programming or presenting the necessary kinds of stimulation that a fetus should get at the appropriate times during development,” says William Fifer, a developmental psychobiologist at Columbia University. In fact, experts worry that sticking speakers or headphones up to your abdomen could actually disrupt your baby’s sleep patterns or the natural order of growth.

Noises from outside your body are more muffled but they also make it through surprisingly clearly, says Robert Abrams, a fetal physiologist in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at University of Florida. Low frequency sounds, such as those above middle C, tend to be more audible than higher frequency ones. Men’s voices, for instance, come through clearer than women’s, and music also is easily recognizable.

It appears the fetus can even hear specific speech patterns and intonations, although probably not recognize words themselves, Fifer says. Some studies have shown that babies after birth will recognize — and be comforted by — a story read repeatedly to them while in the womb or even by particular songs, like the theme from a television show watched regularly during pregnancy.
“I tell people that if they like classical music then play it, but if they don’t, then don’t,” says DiPietro. “It think it’s irrelevant to the fetus, unless the mom likes to come home, put her feet up and turn on music that’s relaxing to her. That’s the way the baby gets the effect.”

This motion also stimulates emotional changes in your baby. You may notice that your baby is more still when you’re very active, and then at night becomes active when you’re still. Once your baby is born, you’ll probably find that when he’s fussy, you can quiet him by rocking him, reminiscent of the movements he experienced in the womb.

“We actually know very little about the developing brain and the environment it needs to develop well,” agrees DiPietro. “No one would argue that you wouldn’t stick a speaker next to a newborn baby when they’re sound asleep and blast music in its ear.”
The same goes for the fetus. “We have no idea what it’s doing to the developing brain, and to assume it’s a good thing is really foolish. It’s much more likely to be interfering with normative brain development,” DiPietro says. There’s even some research showing that fetus will tune out repetitive external stimuli.
DiPietro puts the concept of prenatal stimulation right up there with flash cards and early reading programs — that it puts even more pressure on parents to overstimulate their kids.

“When you start trying to create kind of a super baby before they’re even born, you set up a bad dynamic between parents and children,” she says. “You’re expecting a baby to be a certain way. Why not wait until the baby’s born, see who they are, then try to support their particular needs and abilities.”


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